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Monday, February 08, 2016


11 Ways To Make Money With WordPress

11 Ways To Make Money With WordPress

How to make money with WordPress there are various fields that you can select. WordPress CMS now has become the most widely used on the Internet.

WordPress is arguably already controlled most of the engine used websites that exist in cyberspace.So popular WordPress would not be separated from the convenience offered.To the extent that people who do not understand coding can easily create a website with WordPress.

More and more users of WordPress, of business opportunities and the chances of getting money from WordPress more open. Learn WordPress can be a profitable thing.There are many doors to get money from a variety of fields that can be done with WordPress.

Here are some ways to earn money with WordPress.

1. Make Money By Becoming a Developer and Designer:

You can earn money from WordPress development, could be a WordPress developer or become a designer.

For those who are proficient in coding affairs, especially PHP, it will be very easy to plunge into this field, because WordPress is also made ​​with PHP .

You can provide website development services with wordpress with good design. To support this, you should at least have a website that looks professional portfolio, display your work you will ever make to WordPress and writes about business and the services that you can serve others.

2. Review Services:

If you have a website created with WordPress, you can open the service reviews of products or services.

Services such reviews can be articles or other content.

Content can you make it, the owner of the products can also create and post your stay.

However, for the services of this review, we recommend your website should have a first value, can be a good grades or visitors who crowded. The more successful your website, the price once the reviews would be more expensive.

3. Maintenance and support WordPress:

As already mentioned at the beginning of the writing that WordPress is the most widely used CMS.This fact is of course an opportunity to open up services of maintenance or support WordPress.

You can open care services, optimization, repair, or the development of features of the website are made with the WordPress.

Forms of service maintenance can per case or treatments per year, for example per case pay Rs1 million or Rs10 million per year.

4. WordPress hosting service:

Already many out there special WordPress hosting service providers such as WP Engine, iPage for WordPress, Bluehost for WordPress and others.

Special WordPress Hosting is necessary because WordPress is often to update the system often does not support the usual web hosting.

By establishing a special WordPress hosting service then it could be an opportunity for your own.Incidentally web hosting specialized WordPress in Pakistan have not been there you know.

5. Service Article Copywriter:

A website created by the most usual form of WordPress blog, you certainly need content is usually in the form of articles, videos, audio and more.

Sometimes a website owner likes confused incorporate any content for the website, there is no idea of ​​what is attractive to be posted on his website.

Such conditions are an awful lot going on, that's where your opportunity to unlock content creation services for the WordPress blog.

To open this service, you should be able to write well and your writing must meet certain criteria, such as length of its articles to be determined, must contain a certain keyword and good for SEO.

6. WordPress SEO Services:

Website created with WordPress has not SEO friendly, many WordPress users who fail to succeed because website visitors never crowded.

The problem is the case today,thousands of WordPress users require the services you are good at managing SEO WordPress website.

For this course you need to have the expertise and knowledge about SEO and clever avail resources like plugins suitable for SEO plugins for WordPress are also widely available.

7. Selling Digital Products (themes, plugins)

A website created with WordPress course requires an attractive appearance, that's where your opportunities.

You can create a theme WordPress or WordPress plugin then sell marketing.

To do that you can market digital products such as wordpress themes or plugins in a great website or called the Marketplace as ThemeForest, Codecanyon, and Creativemarket.

It could also be in your own website you know, the benefits certainly will not be halved, if the marketplace will usually be divided by a certain percentage.

8. Shop Online:

Selling products online is increasingly commonplace, transactions more convenient, super-fast internet access, making the website ecommerce mushrooming.

You can be an entrepreneur million by selling online by using WordPress.You can sell clothes, crafts, baby equipment, medical drugs and so forth.

To do that there are many plugins like WP-Ecommerce as well as Woocommerce, or selling by conventional means can also, simply put pictures of products, and include a contact number to make a reservation via SMS or Chat Whatsapp, BBM, LINE, etc.

9. Site Membership And Training Is Paid (Premium Tutorial)

By using WordPress we can build a website membership, with the existing content of this website can only be accessed by someone who is already a member/member.To become a member you can use a certain rate, either persesi or monthly.

There have been many successful websites implement this, call it Tuts +, Team Treehouse, and others.

Type the tutorial can vary, can tutorials computer or other useful tips to simplify your life members.

To create a membership website can use a WordPress plugin but need to be added as special as Paid Membership Pro or MemberPress.Additional plugins just search for the keyword "membership" only in search WordPress plugin.

It takes persistence to succeed in this field, you also have to be creative in choosing the title. To facilitate the effort, of course, you need some partners.

10. WordPress Consulting:

Consulting services in any field must exist, finance, home decoration, IT, and so forth.

For the IT field would be divided into different segments, one of which consultation WordPress.

You can open the WordPress consulting services, where people can ask any questions and ask for feedback on the success of the website created with WordPress, of course at which you specify.

To succeed in this field, you need to have a portfolio website which successfully handle.

11. Advertising:

This is probably the most popular thing to do at this time. Yep, by using WordPress, you can create a website that can make money from ads posted on your website.

There are various advertising programs, but the most popular of course Google Adsense.

Please register your website to Google Adsense , and put ads on your website. You will be able to get money each ad clicked by visitors.Its advertising prices can vary, all have diatus by Google and AdWords users.

In addition there is also BuySellAds, Google Adsense, or locally made.


Here are many business opportunities so it turns out that you can get with WordPress, WordPress is already becoming a software that greatly helped the lives of many people.We of course also be able to take advantage of WordPress itself to generate revenue.

Please choose the best for you.We wish you a big success with a capital WordPress :)


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