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Thursday, September 10, 2015


The growth of mobile friendly websites grew 4.7% within 2 months.

The growth of mobile friendly websites grew 4.7% within 2 months.

After launching mobile friendly techniques,everyone has modified thier websites to responsive style (This is termed as mobily friendly).So the growth of mobile friendly sites is increasing day by day.After releasing date within 2 months in a recent study it is found that growth of mobile friendly websites is increased to 4.7% which is a amazing news ever.

This statement is often said by Google himself,and Google announced that the growth of 4.7% is in the period of 2 months which includes personal websites or commonly called blogs also.

The official by Google is as below;
If you use Google search on your mobile phone, you can now more easily find high-quality and relevant results where text is readable without tapping or zooming, tap targets are spaced appropriately, and the page avoids unplayable content or horizontal scrolling. In just the two months since we announced this change, we’ve seen a 4.7 percentage point uptick in the proportion of sites that are mobile friendly, and we hope to see even more in the coming months.
Google also said that since the launch of mobile friendly algorithm, google expect and already see that many websites will also be a mobile user in the future.

Is 4.7% Is Greater or Small ?

Actually, it is the figure of 4.7% is a very small number, because with the launch of the algorithm is commonly called mobile friendly, mobile website owners should have been aware that the mobile user is very important, because it concerns the issue of mobile SEO of the website.

We're well aware that mobile ranking will help the search on the website which are mobile friendly than those which are not mobile friendly.

But according to the real story is still a lot of blogs that have mobile friendly, and could exceed 4.7% as spelled google.Maybe because the website that has been have widely traffic and has developed, causing the google to index harder.

But google will continue to report and share information about the growth of mobile friendly websites that already, how growth will occur 2 months or 1 year to come?

Thank You!


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