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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Google Attach Its Latest ''Google Doctor'' Feature To Search Engine.

Google Attach Its Latest ''Google Doctor'' Feature To Search Engine.

Hi Blogger,A warm welcome my blog!
I'm came with a amazing and shocking news that make you amazing too when you hear this news.In month of last february google announced a feature ''Google Doctor''.

This is known as the latest feature of google search engine,which is awesome and highly appreciated.This feature is related to medical as its looks from his name.This feature told us about the diseases and their cures.

Actually, this feature has been launched in February last,as I told in start,but now Google update the information on these features, because at the beginning of August, new york city is attacked plague named legionnaries that which is more deadly than the disease pneumonia.

At the time of the outbreak affected New York City, a lot of search on the search engine of the disease(See Google Trends Here), such as how to combat that, how to prevent it and how to cure, finding even increased up to 1000%.

Therefore, Google did an update on the features of their health information, ranging from data and information, because Google feels the information is needed by people. Here's a more detailed updates provided by Google:

  • 900 new information data from previously, including data about the causes, prevention and cure.
  • A more structured tab devoted more categories.
  • Button to download in PDF format so that it can be printed and given to the doctor concerned.Below is a shoot for mobile devices.

Unfortunately, Google says this feature is still available in the Americas and the United Kingdom (In English,Not available in Urdu), but Google plans to expand in various languages and including Pakistan. Google also will involve a special doctor to maintain the accuracy of the information provided.

Hopefully, this feature quickly extended to the territory of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan, so that we can understand the diseases that we are experiencing and know how to prevent and cure.

Thank You for your valueable time.
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